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How to change resolution of a PowerPoint slide

You can change the export resolution in Microsoft PowerPoint by saving a slide in a picture format. There are two steps to this process: using the system registry to change the default resolution setting for exported slides, and then actually saving the slide as a picture at the new resolution.

Change the export resolution setting
Follow the steps in this section carefully. Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Before you modify it, back up the registry for restoration in case problems occur.
By default, the export resolution of a PowerPoint slide that you want to save as a picture is 96 dots per inch (dpi). To change the export resolution, follow these steps:

Step-1: Exit all Windows-based programs.
Step 2: Click Start, and then click Run.
Step 3: In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
Step 4: Locate one of the following registry subkeys, depending on the version of PowerPoint that you're using:
PowerPoint 2016
PowerPoint 2013
PowerPoint 2010
PowerPoint 2007
PowerPoint 2003
Step 5: Click the Options subkey, point to New on the Edit menu and then click DWORD Value.
Step 6: Type ExportBitmapResolution, and then press Enter.
Step 7: Make sure that ExportBitmapResolution is selected, and then click Modify on the Edit menu.
Step 8: In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, click Decimal.
Step 9: In the Value data box, type the value of the resolution that you want such as 300. Or, use the parameters in the following table.
Decimal value Full-screen pixels (horizontal × vertical ; Widescreen pixels (horizontal × vertical); Dots per inch (horizontal and vertical)
500 × 375; 667 × 375; 50 dpi
960 × 720; 1280 × 720; 96 dpi
1000 × 750; 1333 × 750; 100 dpi
1500 × 1125; 2000 × 1125; 150 dpi
2000 × 1500; 2667 × 1500; 200 dpi
2500 × 1875; 3333 × 1875; 250 dpi
3000 × 2250; 4000 × 2250; 300 dpi
Note See the Limitations section for more information when you set this value.

Step 10: Click OK.
Step 11: On the File menu, click Exit to exit Registry Editor.

Export the slide as a picture
Step-1: In PowerPoint, open your slide presentation, and then open the slide that you want to export.

Step 2: On the File menu, click Save As.

Step 3: In the Save as type box, select one of the following picture formats:
GIF Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg)
PNG Portable Network Graphics Format (*.png)
TIFF Tag Image File Format (*.tif)
Device Independent Bitmap (*.bmp)
Windows Metafile (*.wmf)
Enhanced Windows Metafile (*.emf)
Step 4: Note You may want to change the picture's save location in the Save in box. You may also want to change the name of the picture in the File name box.
Step 5: Click Save. You are prompted with the following dialog box:

Step 6: Click Current Slide Only. The slide is saved in the new format and resolution, in the location that you specified in the Save in box.

Step 7: To verify that the slide is saved in the resolution that you specified, right-click the picture, and then click Properties.

When you set the ExportBitmapResolution registry value in PowerPoint, there's a limitation to consider. The maximum resolution that PowerPoint can export is 3072 pixels, based on the longest edge of the slide. For example, the standard 10" × 7.5" slide has a maximum effective DPI value of 307. The 3070-pixel result (10 × 307 = 3070) falls within the 3072 limit. However, any DPI setting that's greater than 307 for a standard slide reverts to the limit of 3072.

Decimal value Pixels (horizontal × vertical) Dots per inch (horizontal and vertical)
307 3072 × 2304 307 dpi


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